Sex Work, Policing, and Border Abolition
For over a century, Western states have scapegoated Asian migrant sex working women as “temptations” or victims to justify tighter borders, anti-immigrant restrictions and more policing–yet these workers have been left out of social movements. We explore how solidarity with migrant sex workers can strengthen movements for migrant justice, and the abolition of police, prisons, borders and racial capitalism.
London School of Economics Symposium: Alternative readings of care, coercion, pleasure, & labour
Locating Sex Work in Conversations on Care
Columbia School of Law: From Criminalization To Liberation -Organizing Migrant Sex Workers Across Oceans
Why do so many people assume that migrant sex workers are all victims of human trafficking? What would it take to move from a "criminalization approach" to migrant sex work to a liberatory approach?
TRANScend/TRANSform: A Teach-In with Trans Folks and Allies
Another Story Books, in collaboration with The 519, organized a teach-in about trans folks and allyship, as a response to transphobic actions at major institutions within the unceded indigenous territories currently known as Toronto.
Decolonizing Solidarity
Conversation and filk screening with Leanne Simpson, Zainab Amadahy, Chanelle Gallant and special guest, Kerieva McCormick Glasgow-based Romani activist. Moderated by Carol Lynne D'Arcanglis and emceed by Sheryl Lindsay.